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Sunday 16 August 2020

Review of Dark Souls 3(PC, PS4, Xbox One)

 Hey, everyone! This week, I resolve an argument between two members of staff at my local game shop. Does this game have what it takes to be top dog? Or does this game's  ability scores needs to how do we say… Git Gud?

Let's find out! and prepare to die!

(best enjoyed with headphones on!)

You know what, guys cookies are great! Cookies are sweet, they are great as a snack, with a nice cup of tea you can buy em from various establishments Subway,  Millie's, even supermarkets like Tesco!

But, this is exactly what happens when people fail to put the cookie down!

I went into my local game shop to buy steam credit, encase there is anything that I like to buy gets discounted during the midweek deals. As per usual, I got harassed by Faithless Games for me to review this game. However, another reader of my blog was having none of it!

At the same time, he was demanding a review of total War saga: Troy. So, as you could tell an argument ensued. After around 10 minutes of bickering between them I decided to put these two games head-to-head over the next two reviews to decide which game is better!

Anyway, let's get on with this!

The Dark Souls franchise has been responsible for around 75% of controllers being broken (30% is attributed to Fifa, the other  5% is classified as "unknown")

This series has been tormenting players with extremely high difficulty, since the original entry in this series, Demon souls, released in 2009. This particular entry in the series was released in 2016. This particular game is set In the Kingdom of Lothric, the Age of Fire Is Dying out. Which Transitions to the Age of Darkness, a time where the undead rises again.

 The Prince of Lothric, who was the chosen linker for this age abandoned his duty to rekindle the flames that are scattered around the Kingdom. To prolong the coming of the Age of Darkness. It was up to you to travel around the Kingdom, rekindle the flames, which are preserved in bonfires scattered around the Kingdom, battling Abyss watchers, and restarting a new Age of Fire.

The accessibility  scores are as follows –

Visibility 7

The colour scheme used in this game is mostly accessible for a colourblind player, but there are a few flaws in this game. In this game, there are three bars that you should be concerned with. Red for health, blue  for magic, and green for stamina.

You know as well as I do, red and green is a definite no-no when it comes to colour blind people. To make matters worse, there is no colourblind  mode available to back this up. However, unlike Skyrim, these bars are in the same location, located at the top right of the screen

Audibility 10

The dialogue that NPCs would say when he or she is talking to you, subtitles will appear in the bottom of the screen. So  you'll be able to understand what's being said as the game progresses.

Mobility 10

This game has a legacy stick layout available by default. This allows players with mobility impairments to move and turn with a single stick. Evasive manoeuvres, for example rolling is extremely easy when you are locked on to a specific target. So you'll be able to play this game with ease despite your mobility impairment. 

Gameplay 10

First off, guys, as soon as you start this game up, get used to dying. You will do this. A lot. The boss fights in this game are extremely challenging. One wrong move, and you are dead, my friend! However, when you are playing with a friend this game is certainly a lot easier.

 If you are looking to get into the Dark Souls franchise, this game could be a very good starting block. As this game is the easiest in the series. Also, this game is dynamic, similar to Sea of Thieves. At any moment, another player can spawn in, and attack you during your campaign to be fair, enjoying my first play through of the game, I was only invaded once by other players. This element of other players launching surprise attacks against you during the duration of your campaign keeps you on your toes and alert while you progress through the game.

In summary, Dark Souls 3 is a very good game to play if you are looking for a decent challenge in your games, for example people who play through Halo campaigns using LASO(legendary all skulls on) this game is also feverishly addictive you will find yourself sinking hour upon hour into this game.

According to other members of the community who has played the entire series, they say that this game is the best game in the series due to its more fuent movent mechanics, and various other improvements when compared to other entries of the series.

It is easy to see why this game is so popular. So, if you're looking for a challenging game to play, this game could be perfect for you!


A very high score, but not enough to beat the Trojans!

See you guys in the next review!

SpartanCommander1990 out!

Roll out, Spartan Company!

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