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Friday 5 June 2020

Review of Sea of Thieves (PC, Xbox One)

Hey, everyone! This week I review Rare's newest MMO game. Does this game have what it takes to salvage the treasure? Or will this game sink before it can swim?

Let's find out!

(best enjoyed with headphones on!)

Okay, guys last week I said that this review could potentially be my final review. Well, let's talk a bit more about that.

As you may have known I haven't stuttering a lot in my previous review narrations. Allow me to explain why.

 The final results for my honours degree is due next week. As you could tell, I am extremely nervous about this. Although that I'm around 60% confident that I would be able to pass. However, we can never predict the future. So, on that day that the results will go live, it is going to go in one of two ways – I could find out that I have passed all my modules, secured my honours degree, and start looking for work. However, if I to find out that I have failed or have to resit the modules I would probably would be devastating. When when a student has a resit a module, the maximum percentage of marks that can be achieved is 40%. The 60% could mean the difference between an upper 2nd class(2.1) or a first-class degree. Also, more importantly it could mean the difference between passing and failing the entire year.

So, if I were to find out that I would fail, I will have to do stop doing reviews indefinitely. Rest assured, everyone this blog, nor this YouTube channel well not get shut down. After 5 years work, the least I could do is to keep all the reviews I have posted prior that date up. So that way, you guys can still enjoy them!

After a period of time, I might consider returning to posting reviews again.

However, if things go as I am hoping, a special series of reviews will be planned. More details while be revealed when the results go live this Wednesday in a blog update(10/06/2020 – save the date guys!)

in any case, let's get on With this review!

UK-based developer Rare has been one of the icons of the gaming industry. They have been involved with the development of cult classic games like Goldeneye and Conker's Bad Fur Day for the Nintendo 64. Since Computing  powerhouse, Microsoft acquired rare in 2002, their pedigree is shown to be a valuable addition to the Xbox game Studios brand.

This game is heavily inspired by Disney's hit Pirate movies Pirates of the Caribbean. You play the role of a humble Pirate, you and a crew of other Pirates online go on the numerous voyages that the various factions that are active in the game like the gold hoarders and the order of  souls give you as you work your way up the ranks of the world, and become a Pirate legend!Shiver me timbers, me mateys!

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 11
You can customise the and intensity of the colourblind filter. This is beneficial as the colourblind filter can be customised to suit your impairments. I understand that colourblind modes is the golden solution to make a game accessible to a colourblind player, but Rare decided to take it one step farther (in a good way though!) So, a visually impaired person can play this game with minimal to no issues.

Audibility 11
Any conversation with an NPC as all text based, so I subtitle function is implemented by default. Also, you can enable text-to-speech modes. When a fellow crew member types a message using text based chat, the message itself well be read out to you. Communication with your fellow crew members a is important in this game, so therefore if this feature would not been implemented, this game would have been an completely unplayable to a person with a hearing impairment! Good thinking, Rare!

Mobility 9.5

Regrettably, this is where the game shortfalls rears their ugly heads. There is no legacy stick layout available for this game, therefore you will encounter serious issues when playing with an Xbox one controller. 

However, the PC version more than enough makes up for the shortfalls. When you play the PC version the keyboard and mouse controls can be rebound to suit your impairments. Also, controller input and input from the mouse and keyboard can be changed immediately. As a matter of fact, you need not to modify any settings via the options menu! 

So, when you're carrying out a task for example adjusting the sail width and angle using the controller then, simply click the right mouse button to move around the ship (the way I normally play most games on PC is, I actually bind moving forward to the right mouse button). On the other hand, the Xbox one version of this game has mouse and keyboard support. If you have any spare USB ports on your Xbox one, you can connect a mouse and keyboard so, you could play the Xbox one version of this game but with a mouse and keyboard like you would normally do on a PC!

Adding mouse and keyboard support to a console game seems very mundane and unusual. You would be thinking if you want to play X game with a controller, play it on a console, if you want to play a game with the precision and accuracy of a keyboard and mouse, play it  on a PC. But here's the thing – adding these features adds a lot of more versatility and choice when playing a game.So, therefore adding keyboard and mouse support to a console game only makes the scheme a lot easier to play. The future of gaming will be a lot more brighter if more and more developers implement this feature into their games.

Gameplay 9.5
This game takes the MMO elements from Destiny, and cranked them tenfold! As I have said and the audibility section, communication with your fellow crew members is vital when travelling from island to island on your ship. This is because so many activities would be needed to successfully complete a voyage. For example, you need a crew member on the map room, below deck to make sure that the ship is still on course, also one or more crew member needs to operate the anchor for the ship to move and stop. 

Should your ship were to come under attack by other players, numerous people would be operating the ship's cannons and, if required another crew member would need to go below deck to carry out repairs should the ship become damaged. These mechanics creates a feeling of teamwork which is very good as it adds  feeling of realism to the game as during the historical period that this game is based on, circumnavigation by naval vessels had to be done by manually, as radar and other digital navigation systems was not invented (sorry guys, wrong century!) And everything in the vessel would have to be done through manpower.

On the other hand, this makes playing this game by yourself very difficult and tedious. The world this game is played on is completely dynamic. At any moment, other players can attack your vessel and steal That big chest of loot you spent  several hours travelling to and digging up!

However, when playing with other players or friends online this game as a whole load of fun to play. There is a variety of activities that can be completed for loot, for example grilling skull forts, fighting other crews or completing tasks the various factions give to you, with this game constantly updated by the developers, this game has a load of lifespan.

In summary, Sea of Thieves is the destiny formula perfected. The game's reliance on other players and teamwork makes this fun and engaging. With the amount of content that is available in its current state, you will be playing this game for the majority of the summer!

Also, for this game being on game pass you can at least try the game for free. Trust me guys, do it! You will not regret it. I guarantee it!


See you guys on Wednesday with the all-important update concerning what's going on in the coming weeks and months.

remember to stay safe,  maintain social distancing and basic hygiene, stay alive

SpartanCommander1990 out!

Roll out, Spartan Company!

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