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Saturday 8 February 2020

Review of Super Mario Sunshine (GCN)

Hey everyone! today I review one of Nintendo's lunch box sized console, the GameCube's most famous games. Is this game any good?

Let's find out!

Super Mario is one of Nintendo's most famous franchise.

FUN FACT: The original concept for Mario was to be named "Jump Man" Mario's name is after Myamoto's landlord. 

There has not been a Nintendo system without a Mario game in its catalogue. the franchise's transition from 2D to 3D  was a success when Super Mario 64 launched in 1996.

In 2002,  the sequel, Super Mario Sunshine was released for the GameCube. This game takes place in the tropical island of Delfino, where Mario and Princess Toadstool and Mario went on a vacation. There was trouble in paradise where our protagonist, Mario was framed for graffiti!

It is up to our red protagonist to uncover the true identity of his impostor, collect Shine Sprites to restore Delfino, and clear Mario's name!

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
This game needs no colourblind mode as there are no colour-coded elements that can cause issues for players with visual impairments.

Audibility 10
There are subtitles in cut scenes and all other dialogue is text-based. so you'll be ok with this game

Mobility 9
There are no alternate control options but the controls are easy enough to pick up and play. The control stick moves and turns, the c-stick controls the camera angle, R trigger is to fire and  L trigger is to ground pound.

Gameplay 10
As I said earlier, this game is the successor to Super Mario 64. Does this game live up to this accolade? Yes. The developers took what's good about Super Mario 64 (except my personal favourite water level theme, Dire Dore Docks/ Jolly Roger Bay. A bit of a missed opportunity, in my opinion) and cranked them tenfold.

Using the jetpack feature of the Flash Liquidizer  Ultra Dousing Device (FLUDD) allows you to explore a given level in greater detail. Deepening the exploration mechanics of Super Mario 64. The only downside is that the capacity of  FLUDD is limited. When you run out of the water, you'll have to go to a sprinkler to fill it up!

The number of levels to explore (including Delfino Plazza, the hub level) is fairly decent for a GameCube game. Each level has 8 sprites to search for, similar to Mario 64, you will be given a cryptic clue on what you have to do to get the shine sprite.

In summary, Sunshine is Super Mario done right. For a GameCube game, this game is the cream of the crop. In short, this is Super Mario 64 upgraded both graphically and gameplay-wise. If you own a GameCube or Wii you HAVE  to get this game!


See you guys in the next review

SDpartanCommander1990 out!

Roll out, Spartan Company!


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