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Wednesday 1 January 2020

Review of Soul Calibur 6(PS4, Xbox One,PC)

Welcome back to the stage of history!

This week, we're reviewing the latest entry in the 24-year-old fighting game series.
does this game have a strong enough soul to beat the competition?

Let's find out!

(best enjoyed with headphones on)

Soul Calibur has been one of the most recognisable franchises in the fighting game genre. Since
 it's the first entry, Soul Edge, it has been one of Namco's biggest franchises.

The game's plot is focused around the game's staff-wielding bad@$$ Kilik, Maxi and Xiangua have to travel the world and defeat the evil Soul Edge.

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10.5
The amount of colour options per character is a lot. May not be as extensive as KI, but acceptable, nonetheless

Audibility 10
This game has subtitles both in battle and cutscenes, but the amount of dialogue in this game, in every fighting game, for that matter is limited, as fighting games are not as story-rich as most games are.

Mobility 10
As par for the course, this game has changeable button layouts via its options menu. So you can change the button layouts to suit your taste.

Gameplay 10
The amount of content in this game is a lot.  In terms of multiplayer, this game has the bog-standard lobby and single battle modes.

In terms of single-player content, there are two-story modes Libre of Souls, and Soul Chronicles. Soul Chronicles is your bog-standard Story mode. You can play through a certain character's story or the main story. Libre of Souls allows you to create a custom character, move from region to region and defeat everyone.

In terms of the actual fighting, it is a lot friendly for all skill levels. If two players hit the exact same attack at the same time, the weapons will clash. When this happens, the game goes into a matrix style slow-mo segment allowing you to overwhelm your opponent.

Parrying is a new feature in this game hitting the block button at the point where your opponent's weapon makes contact, the attack is parried, allowing you to break your opponent's defences allowing you to bring the pain! These, along with other features make this game a blast to play.

The size of the roster is a little lacking. The size of it is a little on the small side when compared to the likes of Tekken 7. But each and every character bears it's own weapon and fighting style to the battle, so character choice is key to victory and defeat.

In summary, Soul Calibur 6 is the ultimate blast from the past, if you remember those days of the ill-fated Sega Dreamcast. With enough new features, characters and mechanics to make it stand out in a highly congested genre.


See you guys in the next review, SpartanCommander190 out!

Roll out, Spartan Company!



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