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Wednesday 25 September 2019

AUTUMNAL ASSAULT PT1- Chronicles of War- Review of Valkyria Chronicles (PS3, PS4,PC)

Hey everyone! Welcome to Autumnal Assault, a season of tactical and strategic games that will ensure that the leaves on the trees won't be the only thing that falls this year.

This week,  we will be taking the fight to Sega Territory as we review this game.

Can Spartan Group Omega fight off the Imperial assault on Gallia, Let's find out!

this narration is best enjoyed with headphones on)

The Strategy RPG sub-genre. This sub-genre started out on the Genesis/Mega Drive era, with titles such as Shining Force, and Fire Emblem.

Since then, this formula is often replicated in other games, such as Final Fantasy Tactics, and Advance Wars.

This game, in particular, is set in a  more modern setting. Instead of having swords, axes and Arcane Magic, you'll be relying on tanks, Sniper Rifles and sub-machine guns to take down the enemy force (pun not intended!) and secure victory on the Battlefield.

This game is set in Europa. The neutral nation of Gallia is being attacked by the Western Imperial Army.

You play as Welkin Gunther,  a natural art fanatic, who is caught in the conflict,  with Alisha Melchiot, a local baker, now conscripts in the Gallian military. It is up to you to command Squad 7 and turn the tide of the war.

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 7
In strategic view your units are represented by Blue icons, enemy forces are represented by red icons. Which can be problematic. But on your turn, if you put your cursor over the unit, and gives a specific name in the unit information, it's one of yours. If its the enemy's turn the camera follows their units automatically.

As you may know by now red and blue are not the hardest hit with colourblindness, but it should be addressed nonetheless. So Sega lost the scrum on that one*

Audibility 7
Subtitles are enabled during cut scenes. But when other important events like when your scout's spots an enemy unit, which is not subtitled needs addressing. So you might encounter some difficulty while playing this game.

Mobility 11
Although the interface is specifically designed for the use of a controller, you can use your trusty Keyboard and mouse(for the PC version)  which can be remapped. So Sega scored the try,  they scored the conversion*.

Gameplay 9.5
In terms of Gameplay,  the biggest criticism is the lack of multiplayer. On the other hand, these single-player only experiences are very rare these days. The story is very good. and the gameplay is very engaging. You will be managing recruits and. upgrades to your battalion. It is important to get the class composition of the troops that you have in your squad, and deploying each mission exactly right, as each and every class has its individual role,

Scouts have a nigh movement range but are vulnerable to attack. as the name suggests, their main goal is to find enemy positions and run back to safety. Their single-shot rifles have little impact when attacking.

The shock trooper is the best anti-infantry class. Their submachine guns can tear through infantry. perfect for ambushing infantry pushes.

Tanks are the best thing when advancing into hostile territory. most infantry can barely scratch their armour. Their mortars can deal damage to multiple enemies at once. Their anti-armour shell is piratically one of the best counters against other tanks. and their heavy machine guns can mow down infantry in seconds.
Lancers are Tank's worse nightmare. Their heavy armour can absorb everything in a Tank's arsenal. Their lances fires rockets which can reduce a tank to scrap metal in seconds
Finally, the engineer supports Tanks. They can repair tanks and resupply infantry. But their defence is vulnerable and their attacks are ineffective.

The key to success is to use each classes' abilities and strengths to their advantage as you take down your enemies in turn-based combat.

There are stealth elements in there. If your unit comes into an enemy unit's line of sight, he or she will open fire immediately. So rushing into the enemy, particularly for scouts would normally result with one of your soldiers getting killed. But the battlefields would contain towers, log grass and sandbags which can be used to your advantage.

For example, long grass hides that unit from view, allowing you to set up Shocktrooper ambushes to mow down scouts or engineers.

In Summary, Valkyria Chronicles is a great modernisation of the traditional Tactical RPG Sub-Genre.  For a story-based, Single-player only game, this is pretty decent. If you are into XCOM, you might like this game. Although the lack of multiplayer features is a shortfall, the skirmish mode adds a fair bit extra lifespan. The PC version does not demand much computing power, and with this game being on Game Pass,  this could be worth a go.


we at DGR  would like to extend a fond farewell to Heather "Blaskowtiz" Sands who has completed her last shift at GAME.  the DGR  Staff would wish you good luck in your future endeavours.

See you guys in the next review. SpartanCommander1990 out!

Roll out Spartan Company

*= To everyone unfamiliar with the sport of Rugby, a conversion is a kick at goal to gain  2 additional points after carrying the ball to the back of opponent's side of the field and touching the ground, known as a "try".

A "Scrum" is when the ball is dropped on the ground and the teams try to push the opposing team back allowing your team to put the ball through their legs to gain possession of the ball. The Rugby World cup has started at the time of posting, so there will be a few Rugby puns within the next few weeks.

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