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Tuesday 18 June 2019


Hey everyone!  today I  review a game I personally chosen to mark the end of a three-year long journey. The question is....what's it gonna be? Well I can reveal to you that my graduation review is........

Sonic Riders!(PC, OG Xbox, GameCube,  PS2)

Well, as you can tell by the title, I have passed my course at University, and am now a graduate.

Toe celebrate the occasion and to thank you all for the  emotional support you ave given me over the past three years, I will  narrate reviews to make enjoying them  quicker and easier for you guys.

I asked for feedback. you guys spoke. The message was both sent and received loud and clear

So. if you want to hear my lovely handsome voice  reading the review to you, like when you are in a rush to get to your bus to work/school(GET TO THA CHOPPA! DO IT NAO!)  or just to read along with  please play the embedded  video above. Please note- these narrations are best enjoyed with headphones on.

to all the DGR  veterans who prefer the status quo-style of actually reading my reviews without narration(good on ya!) including our partners KenzieRetro

just simply ignore the video and read on!

With the formalities aside, lets get on with the review.

 When my Web Site Development resit  was looming i was feeling pretty confident i would be able to pass, so I planned  a review to celebrate my  graduation. The inspiration for this game was when I was  browsing the PC section in CEX(Union Street) while  on the way to  R-Cade for  an R-Cade Late event ( I can't resist some good ol' fashioned Cards Against Humanity!). I found a copy of Sonic Heroes for the PC, for the very small price of  £2.

 I remember playing this game on my laptop during my 6th year in secondary school (in the Common Room of course!) along with Sonic Heroes. So I ordered  a copy online, for the purposes of this review.

CRSnake, on the other hand wanted me to review a Resident Evil game instead.

He tried everything, matches on Mortal Kombat 11, races on Forza Horizon 4. you name it! As you can tell, I stuck to my guns.

Originally released in 2006, this game takes place in a futuristic Mobius, Dr. Eggman  organised an Extreme Gear racing tournament, open to everyone, for an entry fee of one Chaos Emerald. Sonic and his buddies, Tails and Knuckles entered to investigate Eggman's true intentions. Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow, and Storm the Albatross, the Babylon Rouges also entered to unlock the secrets of Babylon Garden using   a mysterious artifact which was a family heirloom.

The accessibility scores are as follows:

VERSION TESTED-PC(Windows 10 install instructions is at the end of this review)

Visibility 10
This game has no colorblind mode. But there is little need for one. There are no color coded elements that could cause an issue for color blind players.

Audibility 10
There's in-game subtitles in cut scenes, but Omochao's commentary during the race is not, which is not that important. So you should be able to play this game with little to no issues.

Mobility 8
With the PC version you can remap the buttons on your controller (the Xbox One controller works like a charm, fear not guys!). but the controls fell clunky especially when navigating sharp turns through the courses as you have to use the air brake while turning.

Gameplay 7
This game is heavily plagiarized from the SSX games. Especially  trick and boost system which forms the main part of the game. But there  is a few mechanics added to make this game unique. For example you can ride the race leader's turbulence to catch up. you can use that  as a half pipe performing tricks to increase your air. And of course, collecting rings increases your level which allows you to go faster, boost longer and makes your attacks on other riders more effective. With two campaigns to play through  gives this game a lot of lifespan. But the game does get tedious after a few races. 

In summary, Sonic Riders is a  decent skate/snowboarding game.  As I said earlier, it's  too polarized from SSX. The battle and Grand Prix modes are a nice additions but it gets boring pretty quickly. You can use a Xbox 360 to play this, but i'd say the PC version is  the best one.

See you guys in the next review
James Rank (BSc) out!


1. get a legitimate copy of the game (look for one on Ebay, Amazon, CEX etc.)

2. copy all it's contents of the disk  to an empty  folder (on the desktop in my case

3. Run the installer to install  the game to your PC

4.look on Google for a fixed exe as the game's SafeDisk DRM  interferes with Windows 10

5. replace the fixed exe with the one located on the directory you installed it  to 
6. play and enjoy!

Roll out Spartan Company!

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