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Wednesday 13 June 2018

Review of Star Wars Battlefront (PC, PS2, Xbox/BC)

Hey guys!  This time I review a classic from the Xbox game library. Can this game hold the Imperial advance on Hoth and claim the Fulgore Award? Lety's find out!

Star Wars. Since the franchise's release in 1977, it has attracted a cult following.
Shout-out to Barbra "
Since its release in 2004, the game is set in the prequel and original movies, except for  Episode 3, as this game was released before the films (and of course Anakin hates sand. (He said that in Episode 2). You play as either a Rebel Soldier, Imperial Stormtrooper, A Republic Clone Trooper, or a CIS Battle Droid,  as you conquer the Star Wars Galaxy planet by planet for total control of the Galaxy. The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 0
Your teammates are in green, your opposing forces are in red ROLL WITH DISADVANTAGE (if you play Dungeons & Dragons, you should understand this!)

Audibility 10
This game has notifications like "the CIS lost the rotunda". You can understand what's going on in battle. This allows the player to keep tabs on the battle, allowing you to adjust your strategy accordingly to turn the tides of battle.

Mobility 10
You can fully customise your button and stick layouts to suit your impairment. On foot, on a land vehicle, or in the air in a starfighter. So you'll be A-ok with this game.

Gameplay 9.5
On a whole, this game is pretty damn awesome. It reminds me of the good ol' fashioned hay-days of Battlefield 1942. But there are two fatal flaws. First up, you cant play as a Jedi. Secondly, you can't fight in space battles. How can  Star Wars even exist without Space Battles!?
But as a whole, this game is pretty decent.  There are two campaigns (one for each era). There's also the sandbox-based Galactic Conquest campaign. 

With this game being backwards compatible on Xbox One (and pretty cheap!) the appeal of this game is pretty good as a game to keep you occupied over the Summer  break,



see you guys in the next review SpartanCommander1990 out!

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