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Thursday 14 June 2018

Review of Mario Smash Football(GC)

Hey guys! In celebration of the start  of the World Cup, I decided to review this little gem from the GameCube library

Are you tired of the same old stuff with FIFA?, want to play a different take on the beautiful game?

Give this game a try!
Big shout-out to Tom "Summoner's Rift" Starkey for the request of this review

This is one of the two GameCube games i bought at MEGABytes 1.0's closing party, as the name suggests, this game is a hybrid cross between MarioKart and Football. you pick a character from the Mario series, to act as captain, then pick another character to form your team. You then pick an opposing team to go against in a game of football where the  traditional rule book gets thrown out the window! The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 7
The players' color is tied to teams, Team Mario is red, team Luigi is green. But You can pick who forms your team. I mean you can easily distinguish Toad from Birdo! But the problem is where you are in the Cup modes. You can't tell who forms a team, so you may find it hard to play through because there is no colorblind modes to fall back to.

 Audibility 10
There i no spoken dialogue in this game, so no subtitles are required.

Mobility 9.5
There is no way of changing the control layouts but if you've played football games before you will be familiar to them. So you may find problems if its your first  football game.

Gameplay 8
For a football game, this game is pretty good. Unfortunately, the aching problem with football games are still there. The gameplay itself can be tedious and repetitive after a few matches, The true fun is when you have a freind over to play with. With  MarioKart-esque items thrown into the mix the fun between friends gets better! Certainly better than  PES/FIFA!


See you guys in the next review!

SpartanCommander1990 out!


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