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Monday 9 October 2017

Review of Sonic Battle(GBA)

hi, everyone! today I review   a throwback to the GBA era to commemorate the 5th anniversary of Sonic Adventure 2 for the Xbox Live, and PSN store, and Steam. Can this game  take the Statoru Iwata Memorial Award 

Let's find out!

This game was released in 2003 for Nintendo's highly successful handheld gaming system (at the time) the Game Boy Advance. In this game, our protagonist, Sonic the Hedgehog finds a Gzoid, powered by the mysterious Chaos Emeralds, who has the uncanny ability to copy other people's fighting techniques. But, Dr Eggman wants that back! So it is up to Sonic and his friends to battle their way through various encounters, training up Emerl, as you play through an interwoven story. The accessibility scores are as follows –

Visibility 7
in free for all battles, everyone but the character in the center of your screen is an enemy. But, it is team battles where the issues arise.

Similar to Mario Kart Wii, the two teams are red and blue. The team scores are indicated by that number. As I said time and time again, although that the red and blue, contrast does not affect as many colourblind gamers as red and green, this issue should be addressed nonetheless!

Audibility 10
there is no spoken dialogue, other than random sounds are present. The dialogue is text-based. This allows hearing-impaired players to understand what's going on in the story.

Mobility 7

There are no ways to change the controls, with the Game Boy Advance's sheer size, you will find it tricky to use. But the SP model can help with this.

Gameplay 9
For a Game Boy Advance game, this game is pretty good! I can feel some inspiration from Streets of Rage here. It's a button masher, first and foremost, with RPG elements added, but the majority of the game, you'll be n   mashing your attack button. A lot. This makes the battle mechanics a little boring after a while.

. In my opinion, this game deserves a reboot or at least a re-release which could be a great game to play online!


see you guys in the next review

SpartanCommander1990 out!

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