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Monday 2 October 2017

Quake Champions (PC)

Hey guys! Today I Review the latest entry in Bethesda's fast-paced, in-your-face, Balls-to-The-Wall shooter, Quake Champions, so can this game hit the frag limit first? Or is this game going to be just cannon fodder! Let's find out!

Now, the Quake series has been very stable franchise in PC gaming sends its first entry, Released in 1996. Franchise gained yet more notoriety in the early 2000s when Quake 3: Arena, otherwise known as Quake 3 DeathMatch. Since that particular game's release it has revolutionized the Esports (electronic sports) scene, now earlier on this year, Bethesda released its newest entry in its flagship franchise, Quake Champions.

And this game you pick a champion (basically very similar to heroes In Dota) and search for opponents. You then engage other players and fast paced, free for all, or team based, gladiatorial combat! (We interrupt this quick champions review to bring you Russell Crowe's gladiator *ding*)

The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 7
Although the weapons are color  coded the symbols on the respective ammo boxes and the shape of the weapons should be helpful to distinguish them. In team games the colors are red and blue. I understand this contrast may not affect most colorblind gamers. But it should be addressed nonetheless.

Audibility 8
When significant events like the Quad Damage spawning on-screen notifications will pop up. This should be an indication to go there, grab it, and unleash its unholy power on your opponents!

But other significant events  like "three kills left!" should be displayed as on-screen notifications

Mobility 8
There's re definable controls, but no controller support. |

Adding controller support gives players  more options in terms of controls, some people prefer controllers over mouse and keyboard. This feature should be implemented,

 Gameplay 10
This game is a blast to play. This game makes Unreal Tournament look like a timid child at the back of a boys choir. ,

This game blends old-school multiplayer shooter elements, while bringing in modern MOBA elements. Each champion has their own abilities, Doom Slayer has the ability to double jump  (jumping while in mid air to gain extra height and distance) and his Ultimate ability is Berzerk, which temporarily increases your movement speed and replaces your weapon to fists. Every champion plays  differently, so it is up to you to experiment with different champions to find which one is right for you!

If you are into shooters, this game is a must-buy


Sonic Mania is still the one to beat.

See you guys in the next review

SpartanCommander1990 out!

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