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Friday 23 June 2017

Review of Prince of Persia (360/BC, PC,PS3)

Hey, guys! I review an Iteration of one of Ubisoft's bumper franchises that have come to Backwards Compatibility. So will this game grow on the fertile Oasis(not the UK Pop band)  that is the Fulgore Award, or will this game wither and die in this desert? let's find out!

Right guys, there;'s a reason why there's a lot of gardening puns in this review's introduction. Here I was, walking my dog, Rosie on the beach when I  took her for a swim in the river, my neighbour kindly donated a nice healthy Tomato Plant to us. But there was a small catch.... I had to review the game my neighbour planted the seeds via e-mail since December! 

 Sorry, Gil, Uni work took priority! 

But, hey, I digress, Onto the review.

The Prince of Persia series since the late 80s-early 90s. 

This game in particular released in 2009. In this game, Our protagonist Prince, accompanied by Elika who went i9nto a dark temple. He then cut the tree of life and unleashed the dark being Ahriman free, corrupting the world around them. It then up to you to bring the world back into balance! the accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10
There is no element of the game that is unfriendly to colorblind players. You'll be A-OK with this game

Audibility 10
There are in-game subtitles so you can understand what's going on during the course of the game.

Mobility 8
You can't change the controls, but the layouts are simple enough so you can play this, but multiple or redefinable layouts would be the gold standard for this category!

Gameplay 6
The levels are linear and the combat can be boring and tedious. There'ds Assassin's Creed esque parkour elements there, but there's very little elements that keep you invested in this game.


see you guys in the next review!



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