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Thursday 9 February 2017

Review of Silent Bomber (PSX)

Okay guys! Today I rview one of the most underrated game for the Playstation. Can this game clench a nomination  to the Satou Iwata Memorial Award? let's find out!

Is there some point in your life that you owe someone some money? like a fiver to your Dad for  A takeaway meal?That's why this review exists!

I was in MegaBytes, and i paid for an entry to an event tonight, which was three pounds, which was paid in cash,  then I ordered a packet of crisps, unfortunately the machine there does not accept card payments over a pound, so they let me off the hook for this one, so to settle our accounts, I have decided to review a  game that MB_Nav wanted me to do for a long time.

Anyway onto the review

You play as Jutah Fate, a war criminal escaping from the demons of his past, who was tasked to prevent the destruction of the planet Hornet from a BattleCruiser, the Dante. The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 7
  This game is reasonably  accessible for visually impaired players, the criticism is with the special bombs, each and every type of special bombs have their own individual colors, Two colors of which are red and green, but each type has its own distinctive icon, so you which type of bomb you are planting .

Audibility 5
The cinematics in this game aren't subtitled, but there are very few of them, but the in-game cutscenes  are, so you can understand what's going on in the story

Mobility  10
the buttons are customizable! You can play this game!

Gameplay 9
Let's start off with the Single Player Story, the story is rich and immersive, but it's the two player battle mode that he issues exist. the  camera and controls are very confusing, which makes playing with your friends on the couch more of a chore than fun!


 For a PS1 game, its not half bad biut the lack of subtitles and the flawed multiplayer drags the score down! as  the Announcer from NBA Jam woud put it-


see you guys in the next review!
Segafan1990 out!

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