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Tuesday 3 January 2017

Review of Red Dead Redemption (360/BC, PS3)

howdy y'all this time Sheriff Segafan rides into the American Mid-west to review one of the most hyped game on the Xbox One's backward compatibility program but can Rockstar pull the train robbery off or will the  sheriff put this game   in the county jail? let's ride out into the sunset and find out!

right this, here review has been requested by Tom "Summoner's  Rift" Starkey and TriggaHappyClown, onew of  the dgr  community's newest  member
anyway onto the review

this game picks up where Red Dead Revolver left off  John's family has been taken from his family by the FBI. It's up to you to find and arrest his former gang of outlaws, and its leader Bill Williamson, who now runs a gang of his own. The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 9
there's no way of changing the colour scheme to reflect objective types, but they are colour blind enough as it is. yellow markers represents locations you need to reach, Blue markers represent vehicles or horses you need to take control of, blue markers also represent friendlies who can help you out in a gunfight. Red markers represents characters who are hostile to you . This scheme is good, but not perfect.

Audibility 10
there's in-game subtitles so you can understand what's going on in missions.

Mobility 7

 Customisation options are limited, but the legacy layout is on by default, so you can ride on into the sunset with no issues whatsoever.

Gameplay 10
this game is highly requested to be backwards compatible as soon as Backward compatibility is officially launched. Now that I have the chance to actually play this game, i can see why, although this does feel like it's a Grand Theft Auto reskin like Battlefield Hardline done to Battlefield , it's still a hell of fun to play regardless. The multiplayer element of this game is still very much active, due to the game being backward compatible.

With the undead nightmare DLC which builds upon the single player content by adding a left 4 dead twist to the story. So this game was and still is an affordable classic to your Xbox One game library.


a good, respectable score, but not good enough for the train robbery to be pulled off.

see you guys in the next review

Segafan1990 out!

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