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Thursday 15 December 2016

Review of Doom Trilogy (PC,360/BC)

Okay guys!  Today we celebrate the 23rd avnniversary  of the computer programme (was installed in morre PCs than windows!)  dgr takes a trip back in time to 1993 to revirew one of the most controversoial games of the era! Can DoomGuy rip and tear his way to Ty's outback lair? let's find out!

Have you ever done a feindly favour for a neighbour? maybe mown their front lawns, or cleared some Autumn leaves from their back Yard? Well, this is thereason why this review has existed! My neigbour, who lives just across the road from me saw me while i was walking my dog, now he  remembers playing this game, so he wasked me to review this. Obvuiously i accepted the  request. So it could be said my neighbour who lives across the road from me took me to hell and back

<insert Woody Woodpecker laugh here>

Anyway, onto the review!

In gaming there  equal opertunity @$$ kickers out there Spartan 117, Johnny Cage, BJ Blaskowitz, but in retro gaming there are two in patricular that sticks out- Duke Nukem (less said the better!) and Doom Guy. In this game you play as DoomGuy, who got into a scuffle with his Commanding Officer. The end result- being reployed to Mars. Suddenly an experient goes wrong(Half-Life clichee*ding*) and a litteral portal to hell is open and it was up to you to go through the bases on Phobos, even the deep bowels of hell itself to prevent  a possible demonic invasion of Earth and avenge the brutal death of your pet rabbit! (Another species attempts to invade Earth clichee *ding*)

NOTE- this game has bbeen tested using the gzDoom source port which can be downloaded (it's free!) from here:-
With that aside, let's get into the accessibility scores!


This game is preetty damn accessible! Although there are doors that needs the corressponding clored kkeycards to unlock, which are red, blue, and yellow, which are fairly colorblind-freindly, but itt does'nt cut the cake!

Audibility 5
Just like those classic horror games, you will be relying on your sense of hearing to detect enemies, which will be a  big  issue to hearing impaired gamers, but they dont attack you until you're close to them, so should'nt be too big an issue. If you've played classic shooters like Duke Nukem 3D (again, the kless said the better!) Wolfenstien 3D, this will be no strager to you!

Mobility 10
With the gzDoom source port, which is easy to use, you can customise the controls, and adds keyboard and mouse support, you can even use a controller! So you can   pick up and play easily!

 Gameplay 10
 You can buy those games on Steam, or GOG very cheaply and there is a hell of a lot of content to play through. With the ammount of mods, for example, Brutal Doom which changes the game allows it to have more lifespan, which is allowing these games to tand the test of time!

Ty lives to fight another day!

 see you guys in the next review!

Segafan1990 out!


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