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Monday 23 January 2017

Review of Gears of War 4(Xbox One)

what's up Gears!this time Segafan joins the fray on Gears 4. can J.D Fenix chainsaw his way to the Fulgore award (yes Kenzie, looking at you!), or will the Gears get overwhelmed by Sergeant Forge's squads of elite Spartan soldiers let's get into the action!

Okay guys, this review has been requested byu Kenzie "N7" Retro wen I helped him out for a co-op Playthough of this game. This review has also been requested by


Tom "Summoner's Rift" Starkey

Now onto the review itself

This game takes place after the events of Gears 3 James Fenix (nice name bro!) Marcus' son finds himself battling the COG military AND  the Locust reincarnated, the Swarm (Starcraft 2 Zerg cliche (DING) The accessibility scores are as follows:-

Visibility 10
There's numerous colorblind friendly modes to chose from via the options menu and the team's scores are in front of their team's respective symbols an Epic (pun intended) win for the Coalition

Audibility 10
There's in-game Subtitles so you can understand what's going on in the campaign, and when events happens in multiplayer such as your team's respawns being depleted, notifications will pop up on the screen, so the multiplayer is just as accessible than campaign. Not half-bad Coalition.

Mobility 10
There's  numerous button and stick layouts to chose from, so mobility impaired gamers can  pick up and play in next-to-no time!

Gameplay 10
In short this is the game that the Xbox One was waiting for. The game makes outstanding use of Unreal Engine 4.

The game has  all the standard modes. Private matches, and bots can be added to kick the matches up a notch, Online versus modes, so you can compete with other players, a survival, co-op  mode, Horde so it will be worth every penny(or cent if you live in the US) you pay for the game. This game is play anywher, so if you buy the game digitally via the Win 10 store r the Xbox store, you own both versions



this game is a  definite nominee for the Fulgore Award at the Bloggies in a few weeks


see you guys on the next review!
Segafan1990 out!

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