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Saturday 1 October 2016

Review of Wolenstien 3D (PC)

Okay, guys! the blackout has officially ended! now to kick off World Domination Season,   Segafan1990 is taking a nostalgia trip to 1992 <insert Emerald Hill Zone  theme here> , so, can B.J. Blazkowicz escape the castle with the Satoru Iwata Memorial award? or will  MegaBytes and Joe Mushasi stop  him in his tracks? LET'S FIND OUT! (you know what guys, been waiting a month to say that!)

This particular review has been requested by my note taker in  university( yes I am now a university student!) Rob "Polybius" Menzies. He asked me for a Wolfenstein review after blackout ends. one slight issue- BETHESDA PULLED THE GAME FROM ALL DIGITAL PLATFORMS!

 Anyway, onto the review

You play as B.J. Blazkowicz who has to infiltrate German lines, but you kinda get captured (it was at this moment you knew....) it is up to you escape the castle, and cause devastation to the German war machine!  

The accessibility scores are as follows-

Visibility 10 
everyone but you are foe! So you know so as the NOD Rocket Solder would put it "if it moves, kill it!"

Audibility  10
there's no spoken dialogue, no subtitles are required.

Mobility 10
You can use a controller or keyboard, the layout can be rebound as well! So you can play this game with the greatest of ease!

Gameplay 10
This game revolutionised the FPS  genre, it laid the groundwork for DOOM  to build upon, with secrets and treasure to find, and with 60 levels to blast your w\ay through, for  a DOS game, with the Spear of Destiny, which is bundled with the Steam version, it  certainly has the lifespan to match!   


Blazkowicz  has just gunned down Mushashi, and takes the lead!

see you guys in the next review.
Segafan1990 out!

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