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Tuesday 4 October 2016

Review of Call of Duty: World at War (PS3, PC, 360/BC )

as soon as B.J  Blazkowicz escaped from Castle Wolfenstein, he rendezvoused with  Allied soldiers in Russia, who joined the offensive towards Berlin, but can he defeat the Germans (again!) once and for all? let's go to war!
let's face it guys, there's way too many Call of Duty games set in the future- Advanced Warfare, Ghosts, Black Ops 2, Black Ops 3, now Infinite Warfare! wouldn't it be nice if we could take the franchise back to its roots- World War 2, well, if you're an Xbox One owner, you're in luck! this game is now playable on Microsoft's newest system!

this review has been requested by Tom "Summoner's Rift" Starkey

anyway onto the review.
like I said above, this game is set in World War 2, you play as Private Miller, a US Marine Raider and a Russian conscript,  Pvt Polonsky as you get thrown into the action on both eastern and pacific fronts. the accessibility scores are as follows-

Visibility 10
there's interchangeable color schemes in this game , so you can distinguish friend from foe. This allows colorblind players to play this game with the greatest of ease, even in multiplayer.

Audibility 9
There's subtitles in campaign. So you can understand what is going on in cutscenes. Also, in multiplayer on-screen notifications will appear, allowing you to keep tabs on the situation in battle. But it's when you are playing the game's characteristic Zombie mode  is where problems arise, in this mode, there are no on-screen notifications, except for when a player needs reviving. So you can  play the majority of the game with no issues
Mobility 10
if you've played a Call of Duty game before, you will be right at home, the control options are no different, but at least there are  alternate stick and button layouts there. So you can play this game with great ease.

Gameplay 10
well, what can I say about this game, like I said above, this game is like a breath of fresh air, an entry of this franchise set in World War 2, which has been as of late been mostly set in the future. The campaigns are rich and immersive and sets the stage for Black Ops 1. The game's  survival-based co-op oriented Zombie mode increases the game's already massive lifespan. It's classic CoD as it damn well should be!


a very fun game, now a must-buy again for followers of the franchise, owing to the fact you can now play it on Xbox One, but the lack of on-screen notifications in Zombie mode that drags the score down.

see you guys on the next review
Segafan1990 out!

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