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Friday 14 October 2016

Review of Lost Odyssey(360/BC)

hi, guys! this time, Segafan is about to embark on an epic quest from Howard Street to Glasgow Green but can he achieve this? let's finds out

this review is dedicated to the staff at MEGABytes Glasgow, in Howard Street. If you are in the area, stop by and enjoy retro games, good food, drinks and banter. Their  pizza panini is pure epicness  in a panini bread!

Anyway onto the review

You play as Kaim Argonar a soldier in the Udyr military who has to investigate the source of  a natural  disaster. The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10
although there is no color blind mode present, but there is no need for one during a battle you characters are on one end of the screen and your foes are at the other. The battles are turn-based, so you have  time to react after  a round of combat, so visually impaired players will have no difficulty playing this game

Audibility 10
There is in-game subtitles during speech with characters and in cutscenes, so you can understand what's going on in the story as progresses

Mobility 10
this game is extremely easy to pick up and play even with the QTE(Quick-Time Events) during battles, if you've played a JRPG before, like FFX you'll feel right at home

Gameplay 10
this game has plenty lifespan, the story is rich and exciting, the exploration elements  as Kaim explores his past, if you are into JRPGs this is a good purchase, with the game's release on Backwards Compatibility, there's, even more, a reason to jump right into this game


another perfect score! Square Enix is on point for  the Fulgore Award

see you guys in the next review!

segafan1990  out! 

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