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Thursday 21 January 2016

DGR Bloggies 2015 Nominations!

Okay guys!
T-Minus 2 weeks until the Bloggies 2015
the Nominations video has been posted on the dgr YouTube channel

But for the benefit of the hearing impaired, I have decided to summarize the nominations,  and the reasons why.

This year i decided to add a twist to it <insert dramatic dun dun dun here> 

This time around, I have invited a special guest- Kenzie N7 Retro. I allowed him to pick the 4th Nomination  to all 4 awards. So without further delay Let's get to them

First up the Fulgore Award. The nominations for this are as follows

Starcraft 2 

with the release of Legacy of the Void, the entire Starcraft 2 saga is finally coming to an epic conclusion. The most accessible RTS games I've ever played.


A massively popular title, on both formats and there's plenty content to play through with the Taken King. IUt will be interesting  whether or not Bungie will be creating an expansion pack, or a direct sequel.

Mortal Kombat X 

this game has got to be the  top fighting games of 2015, this game is highly kompetitive    and a hell of a lot of fun to play! Not to mention the gratuitous violence and gore, particularly for the fatalities!

Kenzie's Wildcard: Mass Effect 1 

A masterpiece Western RPG, a very rich plot, really accessible gameplay, particularity the PC version. If you've not played Mass Effect before TRY IT, YOU'LL LOVE IT! with the backwards comparability update for Xbox One, this game will be rising to a whole new level of popularity.

Next up- the Satoru Iwata Memorial Award. This award was commonly known as the Sega Dreamcast memorial Award, but with the death of Satoru Iwata, it was renamed to the Satoru Iwata Memorial Award. This award is for the highest scoring Retro game.

The nominations for this award are as follows

Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection

The second MK game  with a nomination this year. This game is just as fun to play, but with less gore, but with  3 games to play through gives it plenty lifespan so a pretty good game nonetheless

Killer Instinct

This game is a more family frenziedly version to Mortal Kombat, as there is no gore present, but just as fun and accessible, a real classic. Also with  the Rare Replay collection you can relive this classic on Xbox One

System Shock

This game revolutionized the Survival Horror genre. Instead of fighting zombies, you are alone in space, with a rogue AI called Shodan killing off everyone, but you. This game scared me while playing this while I was younger.

Kenzie's Wildcard: Conker's bad Fur Day

This game was pretty fun to play. It's more of an adult version of Banjo Kazooie as ganeplay wise they are both similar, but Conker is a heck of a lot of fun to play and is realy funny as well! try it with Rare Replay. You'll have a great laugh while enjoying it,

   last, and certainly not least we have the Konami Award. It was formerly  known as the Firebird Interactive memorial Award,  but 2015 wasn't a good year for Konami,  removing Kojima's name from the Box art of the Phantom Pain, killing off Silent Hills but licensing Pachinko machines instead. For those unfamiliar with Pachinko,  it's a crossover between pinball and fruit/slot machines,.

so basically it's just gambling!

Apart from all this let's get into  the Nominations.

Command and Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight

This game  was a  epic fail. EA  took what's good about C&C and threw it out the window. Base Building. Resource Management, you name it. It also lacked a colourblind mode and there was no way to customise the colors, even in skirmish mode so this game was real sloppy, first ever 0 score on the blog.

Jet Force Gemini

this game is the bad apple  in the orchard that was  the Rare Replay Collection. The controls were very poorly designed, making this game more of a chore to play. Don't even bother playing this game. Not even worth your time.

Duke Nukem Forever

 This game is just a travesty to the gaming industry. Pretty inacessible, abysmal gamplay, and broken AI. Enough said!

Kenzie's Wildcard: Star Wars Battlefront

he sensed a disturbance in the force with  this one! I have to give credit   to them, the accessibility features for the PS4 worked, straight out the bat!  BUT  EA DECIDED  TO SCREW US OVER!

  • no controller support for PC  users whatsoever at launch! 
  • poor legacy support  for Xbox One users, bearing in mind guys, the majority  of mobility impaired players RELY  on Legacy layouts! It took us 30 seconds to complete a 80 dgree turn, so we  were forced to play at a major disadvantage. Took em THREE WEEKS  to apply a simple fix to revy the issue.
  • very little content in terms of maps, and no campaign or class system
  • no class-based gameplay
 I could go into an endless rant on how much EA and DICE  screwed up this game!

so, that's about it really! our Ones to Watch and winners will be revealed in 2 weeks time

Segafan1990 out!


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