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Tuesday 27 October 2015

Review of Halo 5 Guardians

Okay guys! This is it! the review a large proportion of my readers want to see! This game has been nominated as my One to Watch at the Bloggies 2015. Has my faith in 343 industries has been in safe hands? let's hunt the truth! *WARNING- CONTAINS HALO 4 SPOILERS* 

Right.... i have  several requests for this game let's see here

  • Kenzie "N7" Retro
  • Tom Carling
  • Tom "Summoner's Rift" Starkey
  • Triscia "I hate Duke Nukem" Lusk( after my Duke Nukem Forever Review, wouldn't blame her!)
  • Alistair Keane
  • Dan "HTML"Tierney
no pressure then James!

The story picks up where Halo 4 left off: Humanity has declared war on the Forerunners(Prometheans, basically like the Reapers from Mass Effect) Cortana has sacrificed herself. Earth is saved again(and Commander Shepard is still doing Sudoku Puzzles *DING*) This time Cheif goes AWOL so he basically backstabs humanity. So It's up to Spartan Locke and Fire Team Osiris to hunt him down, and save humanity again (yup, still doing those Sudoku Puzzles *DING*
The Accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 9
Mostly the same, but with a twist to it! the icons on your radar will aid you in the identification of friend and foe- circles for friends and diamonds for foes and  there's arrows over your teammates heads,. In Strongholds matches arrows to indicate points to capture, shields (not of the energy verity) indicating which points to defend. Also

The score summary is changed to reflect which is going on in an at-a-glance format, like crosses indicating dead teammates in Lockdown. Also in Warzone, all objectives are indicated by markers, so you where the objectives are.  A colourbind mode would be great, as it uses the red/blue color scheme to separate the teams, but a notable improvement from Master Chief Collection!

Audibility 10
There's in-game subtitles! great work 343i!

Mobility 10
You will be able to remap controls in the big update comming November 12th(includes backwards compatibility with 360 games) but i still have to judge this game fairly! there's  numerous stick and button layouts to chose from, if you've played Halo 4 before, you'll  be familiar to what they are.

Gameplay 10
This game is an extremely  fun to play. Firstly you have arena, which is small-scale multiplayer mode. Also there's Warzone, which is  large scale  battles, as in 24 players taking each other out, with AI enemies thrown in the mix. If you like Big Team Battle, this mode is for you! The campaign is longer than your average Halo game.


     Halo 5 is the best shooter on the Xbox One at the moment, a entirely new Halo experience, my only critism is the lack of a colorblind mode, but they seem to have made changes to renvy the pains of Master Cheif Collection, but  on that basis, Starcraft still reigns supreme!  

See you the next review.

Segafan1990 ou- *static* 
i prefer a quiet station, thank you.


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