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Friday 11 September 2015

Review of Gears of War Ultimate Edition

Okay guys! This week I review a remaster of the  game that changed the rules of 3rd person shooters! can Marcus Fenix and his squad chainsaw kill Shepard to take first place? or will  they repel the invaders again? let's find out!

the leaders of dgr's "I Hate Zombies" movement  Tom and Georgie with their request

This game revolutionised  third person shooters. Most games such as GTA  IV uses the same duck and cover mechanics as originally shown in the first Gears of War. You take the role of Marcus Fenix, who has been imprisoned. But after E-Day (emergence Day)they  needed every solder they can find- even convicts! Now Marcus, Dominic Santiago  has to find a way to send the Locust Horde back to their emergence holes where they belong before they wipe out the human race
( humanity is in danger of extinction clichee *ding*)  The accessibility scores are as follows.

Visibility 10
This game is pretty similar to the other entries of the Gears series (it is a remaster after all!) you can go into tac-com mode by holding the left bumper to see who is your teammates and where they are. If a teammate is downed the notification will appear so you can get your @$$ there before they die. so visually impaired players can play  this game with little no no trouble  at all!

Audibility 10
This game has subtitles. Also in Multiplayer every enemy  which has been spotted by your teammates  he or she will have an icon over their heads so  you'll know who to smoke and who to protect. Especially when the max team sizes are 3v3. So you can play this game regardless of you hearing impairment.

Mobility 10
There's multiple stick and button  layouts, but they are not re definable! So you can pick up and be chainsawing grubs in no time!

Gameplay 9

This game is a lot of fun to play with the Multiplayer and co-op campaign . But here's where the problem lies. Unlike the previous entries into the franchise The Coalition decided to leave out certain multiplayer modes from the previous entries like Free For All. and Wingman which enhanced the Gears co-op tactical experience. So in summary this game is fun to play BUT due to the lack of variety in the muliplayer prevents it from the all-important ULTRA COMBO!!!


 The Normandy lives on to fight another week

See you guys next week
segafan1990 out!

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