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Saturday 12 September 2015

Action Replay- Horoscoping( review of Jet Force Gemininii)

Okay guys! now we're just over the half way point in this mini series of the Rare Replay Collection!  This extra review is to celebrate the pre-purchase of the Taken King Legendary Edition! (if you would like a review don't hesitate to let me know!) So has Conker met his match? let's find out!

This game originally came out for the N64 in 1999. You play as a space marine (Doom clichee *ding*) who has to find the broken parts of his ship and all the tribals. The accessibility scores are as follows

Audibility 10
  This game has no spoken dialogue so obviously the dialogue is subtitled. So you can play this game no problem!

Visibility 10
this game does not need a colorblind mode as everyone except for the character you play as is foe. So you know who to shoot. So you will be able to play this game without any problem whatsoever

Mobility 7

There's  Two control layouts to chose from but the aiming mechanic is very tedious- which detracts the experience!  I understand the N64 controller had it's limitations , but a pretty shoddy job porting the controls to Xbox One Rare!

Gameplay 6
 This game  can be very difficult to do. If you miss just one  tribal, you have to revisit the world and find it or you will not be able to complete the game! In a nutshell, this is a cross between traditional N64 platformers and a shooter. A rather uncanny combination in my opinion. As i said the aiming mechanic is pretty shoddy and the difficulty  of this game can push your sanity to OVERDRIVE!

  so close to beat Conker but  as Dr Evil said in Austin Powers "just one calorie, not even enough!"

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