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Friday 1 May 2015

review of Gears of War 2 (xbox 360)

Okay guys!   this time i review  the second installment in the Gears of War series, so can this game   shoot,  and chainsaw it's way to first? or will Chell live to fight another day? let's find out!

 the Gears of War series has been one of the faces of Xbox (along with Halo of course). The story picks up where Gears 1 left off,  Marcus Fenix  and his squad of Gears has successfully defeated the locust Horde but  the war rages on,  before the events of Gears 1 Dominic Santiago's wife Maria has been captured by the Locust now Marcus and his squad embarks on a mission  to defeat the Locust, while saving his wife along the way. The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility- 9
Although there is no colorblind mode exists, the clever guys at Epic has devised a workaround if you hold LB your teammates will be highlighted so you'll  find   differentiating friend from foe easily, if that fails the   team's character models are   easy to distinguish. Finally if your teammates gets incapacitated the teammate's gamertag and portrait of the  character he's using will be displayed an an arrow pointing towards his location will also be shown. That way you can get to you downed teammate quickly before he is taken out by the opposing team. So very accessible but a color-blind mode would be great!

Audibility- 9
Although subtitles exist, you'll be relying on your ears to  hear the clues on where your enemies are, where grenades are thrown, so  although  this game is accessible  in the single player but Multiplayer can be a challenge for players with hearing impairments.

Mobility- 10
theres  multiple control layouts  to chose from  you can chose both a button and stick layouts  so you can get set up and fragging grubs(Locust) in next to no time!

Gameplay- 10    
Okay let me see... epic campaign/story-check brutal and fun multiplayer- check a great social experience because you have to think tactically- check Epic took what was good about Gears 1 and cranked every last thing tenfold! in my opinion best in the series!, the wide variety of game modes will keep you playing this game a lot longer with  the ability to practice multiplayer matches against  AI players  will keep you on your toes for a long time!

a very good, accessible game , but the lack of a color blind mode, and subtitles in multiplayer prevented this game for beating Portal!

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