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Tuesday 16 December 2014

review of South Park the Stick of Truth(ps3 Xbox 360, PC) (requested by Tom Starkey)

m goin' down to South Park 
Gonna have myself a time. 

if you've watched the TV shows you'll be familiar with the quiet mountain town of South Park Colorado, the series in itself parodies  as much as the Simpsons.  Take these examples i've found onYouTube (warning videos contain swearing, parental discretion is advised.
Justin Bieber
most YouTube favourites
this time they're parodying  the RPG genre !
can this game beat Rockstar  North and become the first ever 100% review scores?

let's find out 

you play as  a  kid that's moved to the quiet mountain town of South Park Colorado.  You then discover a relic called  The Stick of Truth, the person who controls the stick, controls the universe  you and some of the South Park cast  must guard the stick  from all who oppose you!
the accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
this game is easily playable wit people with visual impairments, during battles  you and your band of merry men takes positions of the left side of the screen. your enemies take positions on the right. So you can play this game no problem at all!

Audibility  10
once again no problems on the hearing front! The dialogue is fully subtitled, s you can understand what's going on. also during battles your weapon will flash  when the time is right ( more detail  later in the review). So in summary this game is easily playable for gamers with  visual impairments.

Mobility 10
once again no problems on the mobility front. The controls in battle you use the left analogue stick to navigate the menus to give orders to your characters. while not in battle use the left analogue stick to navigate through the town X to interact  with the environment . For example talk to people in the town. Select to  bring up  the menu to check the map, quests use items , change equipment ect.  So in summary, mobility impaired players should be able to play this game.

Gameplay  10
this game is a great RPG for  a person who has watched at least one episode of South Park ( better question , who doesn't?)  the lover of the genre will love it. Like I said its a parody, so expect some craziness but of the same type you'd see in an episode of the TV show. quick time events comes into play in battles you press x at the right time to guard yourself from attacks, decreasing the damage taken by the hit and  can deal extra damage when one of your characters are attacking.  you press square for a one off power attack , but press x for two standard attacks.  a sound and your weapon will flash when it's the right time. Mess up the timing you'll deal less damage. There's no multiplayer, but it's a single player only game so to mark down this game would be  kind of a D!ck move.


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