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Friday 31 October 2014

review of Silent Hill (PSX, PS3)

this review has been  highly requested for quite a while   but my top 20 gaming creepy pastas  took top priority! wth that businesses out the way i'd like to take this opportunity to review this  game
so can this game  beat Guile and knock  Street Fighter 's top spot? let's find out!
the first time this review was requested just before my visit to  London to watch Fulham play  Norwich City with my Dad if you're reading this Dad thanks for taking me to London i enjoyed every last second of it. But when the referee sounded the full time whistle  the score at Craven  Cottage  was  1-0 to Fulham. The canaries  failed.  So a promise is a promise.
Silent Hill  was released for the original  PlayStation in   1998 by Konami. This game , along with Resident Evil  took the survival horror genre to mainstream. You play Harry Mason, who was  driving along a freeway late at nigh6t  but Harry's car crashes(tiredness kills guys!) and his beloved daughter Cheryl  goes missing! Harry finds himself in the dark town of Silent Hill. Now he has to uncover  the towns  dark secrets. The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visability 8 a few minor flaws  exist 

Konami used a neat trick to make use of the PlayStation's limited hardware capabilities.  they used the fog and darkness to hide the draw distance . As a  bonus, it adds the feeling of isolation,as the entire town is deserted. This enhances the experience of the survival horror genre. BUT for colour blind players, this could make the game hard to play.

Audible - 7  some flaws exist 
while moving around the town, you rely on your pocket radio  which turns static when enemies are clos, which turns louder as the enemy moves closer  and your sense of hearing to know where its coming from, but to be fair, the PlayStation was not powerful enough to render long distances so i think i should cut this game  some some slack. all spoken dialogue is subtitled so despite the flaws i   .   stated above hearing impaired players should be ok with this game.

mobility 10 
the game uses tank controls. you use left and right to rotate  your character left or right then up to move forward. there are several control layouts  but in any case the controls are pretty basic, i mean its  1998 were  talking about here!  also you can use the analogue stick or the  d pad to move your character.  in summary players with a mobility impaired gamers should be ok with this game 

gameplay 10 goodbye sleep!
Silent Hill has truly revolutionized the survival horror genre. ad it  messes with your head  a lot  using  minor jump scares to keep you on your toes  to full-blown  scary events to scare you witless 
overall score 87.5
Street  Fighter  4 lives to fight another day!

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