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Saturday 22 March 2014

Review of Risk Factions(ps3,360,PC)

Sonic Mario,Lara  Croft Spartan 117(Master Chief) They all go on adventure to Save the day , humanity yadda yadda yadda  but from time to time   you feel urges to let out your evil side and try to conquer the world *evil laugh*   you can do with Risk Factions, so does this game conquer my review blog? or should  this game  have raised their white flags and not bothered at all?

Risk Factions is a turn-based strategy game. in this game 5 factions duke it out for the entire world
General William P. "Fatty" McGutterpants and his army of humanity

Generalissimo Meow and his army of cats, based on  Mao Zedong of China
Commendant SixFour and his  mechanised  army of robots, of course making reference to the Commodore 64
 Colonel Claus Von Stiffenberg and his army of the undread, making reference to    Claus von Stauffenberg

 Leader: His Excellency Gary and his army of Yeti, making reference to  the Tibetan diety the Dialai Lama 

The accesibility scores are as  follows

Mobility 10  easy to pick up and play

Like i said previously, the game is turn-based so it gives the player  plenty time to think over their   moves, attacks ect.  and all the controls are displayed on screen,  so gamers with mobility  impairments should be 6able to battle their way  through the game easily

Audible- 6  quite accessible but major flaws exist

there is  no spoken dialouge most of the game except oin campaign and  the   tutorial  in the first mission and....well...the picture says it all.....

 Gameplay-  8  fun, addictive and family friendly

Risk Factions is a remake of the Habastro board game with new rules. As the game starts players are issued with certain objectives and rewards when they complete objectives. Plus you have to pick one territory to have as your capital, if your capital is taken   you have to re-take it in order to win, you win by annihilating you renemies or complete a certain amount of objectives first

Visual 9-   accesible but minor flaws exist-

Colourblind players can play this game as players is represented by symbols humans are represented by a star, Yeti are  represented by snowflake, cats are represented by a pawprint, and the Undead are represented by a skull and its strengtgh is represented by its number.

Overall  82.5%-   addictive family fun

Risk factions is as zany as Rayman Legends(WHOOAAA BLACK BETTY) and is very fun to play if you like the board game as it is easy to set up, or just looking for a good srategy game. its very cheap too.

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