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Monday 10 February 2014

Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires review(PS3)

having a review request for a friend is one thing, but having a request for you family is another. I review my step dad's favourite game.
 This is the latest instalment in KOEI's Dynasty Warriors series. My step dad and i play this game a lot.

The story is about the China's Three Kingdoms Drama. The story goes with three kingdoms Wu,Shu,and Wei. You control a ruler of one those kingdoms and end the Civil war as you engage in diplomacy, develop your kingdom's economy and expand you kingdom's borders through conquest. the usability scores as as follows

Visual 8- very suitable but needs a little  more work.

colourblind players will find using the overhead map  in battle difficult as all the red represents enemy territory , officers and base. Blue represents parts of the battlefield you've conquered already, officers in your side, and bases you control. So a feature to solve this issue would be nice!

Audible 10- perfectly suitable
 all dialogue has full subtitles( its in Japanese, so good luck trying to understand what the officer is saying without the subtitles!)   so people with any disability involving their hearing should feel right at home with  this.

Mobility 10 easy to pick up and play

the game is played with the left analogue stick to move your officer around the battlefield and navigate through the menus in the intermission between  and preparing for battle. Battles will have you mashing that square button so much it might break! the circle button uis to use a special attack when the special gauge is full. The triangle button is to use  a charge attack. This is to weaken the enemy  troops before you go toe to toe with them. So people with mobility problems can  play this game easily.

Gameplay-  7- an addictive, fun game but the gameplay  can get repetitive,  with limited online multiplayer options

the  Warriors franchise is slightly more of a button masher  than a field tactics simulator. The game is mostly single-player based, and it can be more fun with a friend playing fighting along side you in split-screen play. But like i said above the   Online Multiplayer element is somewhat lacking. the game  gets boring after playing the game for an hour or so.

Overall- 88%-
 the game is   suitable for most people, regardless of disability. This game is underrated by the critics. The game is a bit like Marmite- you either love it or hate it. Personally I love it.


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