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Sunday 9 February 2014

review of Battlefeild 4 Review(Next Gen)

Battlefeild 4 by DICE  is like The Joker to Call of Duty Ghosts' Batman, this rivalry has been in existence for a long time. So is DICE's first engagement on Next-Gen just as good as Ghosts, which FPS will you spend your hard-earned £50 on?

the game itself  got off to a bad start as the game had stability issues  on launch. You control   a squad of US soldiers fighting the Russians AND  Chinese to get your Squad back to American soil

the accessibility scores as follows

Mobility 10- suitable for all 

 this game has a lot of customisation  in terms of its controls.  you can customise the button and stick layouts when youre on foot, in a land vehicle such as a tank(Not the Left 4 Dead kind) helicopters ( soi  soi  soi ) and in a  jet. Which allows players from any form of impairment to pick up and play 

Vision 8- somewhat suitable
 the game has no colourblind filer like Ghosts, which can be difficult to determine the teams,. This might make use of the radar in multiplayer difficult. but freindly fire is always off. so if   i were to empty a clip on a team mate, he would not get killed. but using the scores above the radar difficult to use, so you will not be able to asses the state of play in battle. But it 

Audible 7- vaguely suitable

full subtitles in campaign and some notifications appear in multiplayer  but  all the warnings  such as when a vehicle was spotted by a member of your team which can pose a problem

Gameplay 8- simply stunning graphically, but Multiplayer is repetitive from Bad Company 2 

Powered by EA's trademark Frostbite 3 engine, which is also used in Need for Speed Rivals, the graphics are stunning, especially on Next-Gen. The destruction is very realistic.  DICE  always go for realism. With Battlefield 4 they have delivered that. Totally. But the main flaw is that  in terms of Multiplayer DICE  does not score high on the originality department. it uses the same modes used in Battlefield Bad Company 2.  The only difference is its with different vehicles, guns and it also incorporates a third faction. The Chinese. but to give credit where credit is due. the Air Superiority mode involves taking the fight to the skies. you capture the maps control points by flying near them. but you will need to fork out en extra £11.99 for the China Rising expansion to play. there is also Capture the flag is with the Second Assault Expansion, which is also costing extra, and PlayStation users  has to wait for this as the pack  was a timed exclusive to 360 and Xbox One( lets not start a flame war here)

overall  83%-   Battlefield 4 in a  nutshell is   an example of what Ghosts should have been. With  more  modes and maps coming later, which is like i said earlier which costs extra. but it is a lot cheaper than purchasing the Premium add-on which brings more benefits such as Double Exp events additional content free and released earlier than standard users. This game probably worth the upgrade to Next Gen as everything is better . The graphics. The framerate. Everything.  

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