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Tuesday 25 October 2016

dgr Haloween Special 2016 part 1 Left 2 Rot(review of Left 4 Dead 2(360/BC, PC)

Okay, guys! it's this time of year!as a run-up to my Halloween special review, which will be posted on midnight on Sunday 31st October. So  to kick this off, Segafan will be reviewing the sequel to the game  that his note taker from Uni and myself plays to chill out, but is this game a spine-chilling success, or should this game be sent back to the graveyard? let's open the Saferoom door!

 Okay, guys! This review was requested by the chairman of dgr's 'I hate Bill Club' Rob "Polybius" Menzies. He is a MASSIVE  Left 4 Dead fan. So far we've completed three of the four campaigns in the game. One day, Rob and I were digging to lunch at  the Student Hub at Uni. He asked me whether or not I had the second entry in the series as he was contemplating on whether or not to purchase the game in question. When he found out that I did indeed own this game on both 360( it's backwards compatible on Xbox One) and on PC, via Steam, he asked me to review it. Seeing as the Halloween Week was fast approaching I agreed to do this review.

Onto the review itself. This  game is set on the events of Left 4 Dead an infection has run rampant turning the deceased into zombies. You control one of the four survivors. These are different from the first game. These are Ellis Coach Nick and Rochelle as you shoot, slash, bash  rip and tear your way through the game's campaigns. Or go head-to-head against other players in competitive modes and duke it out on survivors vs infected battles! the accessibility scores are as follows.

Visibility 10
in this game, your teammates are highlighted when they are not in view so you know who to shoot and who to blast. So visually impaired players can play this game with ease.

Audibility 10
full in-game captions are present in the game. Even the sounds are subtitled  like "*witch moan*". It may defeat the purpose of the survival-horror genre. But it makes this game more accessible, it's a sacrifice well worth making.  

Mobility 10
 The controls on the PC version are redefinable. If you want to use a controller, you can but if you prefer a controller in your hands while playing this game, best to play this game on 360 (or Xbox One, through backward compatibility). 

The control layouts on the console versions have interchangeable control layouts. But the PC version, on the other hand, can be customized to suit. All things considered, both versions are playable with no issues. But it all goes down to preference. If you want   the precision and customizable controls, get the PC version. If you want the familiarity of a controller. Best to use the 360 version. 

Gameplay 10
This game is a heck of a lot of fun to play, with more campaigns, more special infected, the use of melee weapons like chainsaws (DOOM cliche *ding*)  and the campaigns from the first Left 4 Dead, this is the penultimate Left 4 Dead experience (Valve ain't gonna be releasing Left 4 Dead 3 anytime soon, you'd might as well get this one!) although  this game focuses more on action than the horror experience like Silent Hill games. But it's all down to preference. If you're looking for a more immersive more in-depth horror experience, best to look elsewhere. But if  you want a more watered-down, action-oriented experience Left 4 Dead 2 might be the game  you're looking for.    


see you guys in the next review
Segafan1990 out!


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