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Thursday 1 July 2021

Review of Halo Wars 2 (PC, Xbox)

 Hey, everyone! This week, I review  Microsoft's RTS pet project on Xbox, can this game smash Sonic Heroes' 103.75%? Or should this game call GG, and disconnect now?

Let's go to war!

 The Halo Wars Series is probably the best RTS games on consoles. The first one shows the entire world that RTS  can be developed on consoles, although the first entry is of the series was the worst-selling game for the Xbox 360, which led to the shut down of  Age of empires developer, Ensemble |Studios. However, 343 Industries decided to expand the series with a sequel. This time, been co-developed with total War series veteran developers, Creative Assembly.

The game takes place in the year 2559, 28 years after the events of the first entry of the series, the UNSC support frigate, spirit of fire, originally thought to be washed with all hands aboard are awakened in low orbit around the Arc, a massive forerunner installation, encountered during the events of Halo 3. Lying in wait, The Banished., Led by Brute Cheiftan Atriox, the only group of brutes, who started a war with the covenant, and humanity. He wanted to continue the war against humanity, by firing the  Halo rings. Capt James Cutter and this crew find themselves back in the fight against a massive banished onslaught.

The accessibility scores are as follows –

Visibility 8.5
as part of the course for a Halo game, the teams are read, and blue. To make matters worse, in a multiplayer match, the individual armies are colour-coded. The original game in the series had a feature called "friend or foe colours" which changes every player's colour to match the player's diplomacy to you. However, in this entry of the series, this feature is not selectable. This can cause an issue for a player with a visual impairment. So, despite the shortfalls, this game is somewhat playable for a player with a visual impairment.

Audibility 11

During  multiplayer matches and campaign missions, on-screen notifications will appear at significant events that happen during battle, for example, "our allies are attacking the enemy base!", "Supply Pad constructed!" And, of course, "our base is under attack!"  Other  notifications for example a squad of marines were to be produced , or lost would be displayed in the game's battle feed,

So,  a hearing impaired  player will be able to keep tabs on what's going on during  a multiplayer match, or campaign mission. So, a hearing-impaired player will have little to no issues when playing this game.

Mobility 10
when using a controller, the buttons cannot be customised, also, the console version has no mouse support. So, the Xbox version may not be the best choice when playing with am mobility impairment, but, it still playable nonetheless. 

The PC version, on the other hand, is like night and day. The game can be controlled by the mouse, which controls like every other RTS game available on PC. However, the interface is specifically designed for a controller. After all, the game itself is built the ground up for the Xbox one.

On the other hand, you can still connect your trusty Xbox one controller to your PC, and play the game with the controller. This opens up additional control options for a mobility-impaired player. For them, it could be a dealbreaker/lifesaver!

So, a player with mobility impairment will find this game is relatively easy to play.

XBOX 4/5


Gameplay 9.5
Let's put it  this that the way, RTS on console is a very hard sell. It is a universally known fact. However, the Creative Assembly has done a phenomenal job taking what's good about the original Halo Wars, while adding new mechanics to make the game interesting. 

For example, there are certain points on the map, which any of the two teams can control. When one team controls one of them, everyone on that particular team gains an extra boost to their energy income. Which can give that particular team an economic advantage over your opponents during battle.

However, the base game is somewhat lacking in content. You only have a limited amount of readers to select during multiplayer games, and the base game's campaign is somewhat short. It will feel like you were playing a trial edition of the game. Even know that you paid your hard-earned money for it!(Gee, Metal Gear |Solid: Ground Zeroes, anyone?

If you buy the  complete edition, the entire Halo |Wars 2 experience is available to you. Every leader will be selectable during multiplayer matches. The two additional campaigns will also be available . Operation StormBreaker, and awakening the Nightmare. So, the complete edition is probably the best way to get into Halo Wars 2.

In summary, Halo Wars 2 is probably the best RTS on console I have played in its current state, the game is fantastic! Each and every leader has its own strengths, and weaknesses. For example, Sgt Forge is a very good vehicle/armoured Fury general. His heavy armour, and unique units, grizzly tanks makes him a force to be reckoned with. However, in order to get any armoured units on the field, any of his basis must be upgraded to level 2, this makes him completely vulnerable to an early game Rush. Mastering your individual leaders is vital for victory.

With the inclusion of cross-play between PC and console, failing to mention the game being FPS boosted on Xbox series S/X, allowing the game to take full advantage of the advanced hardware, allowing this to run at a silky smooth 60 FPS. If you are an RTS addict, like me, and is looking for a decent RTS to play over the summer, in preparation for age of Empires 4, releasing in October this game is an excellent choice.


See you guys in the next review!

SpartanCommander1990 out!

Roll out, Spartan Legion!

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