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Monday 31 May 2021

Review of football Manager 21 (Xbox One/ SX, PC)

 Hey, everyone! This week's extra review kicks off (pun intended!) The summer of game pass 2021. This time, I review the first entry of Sports Interatctive's highly successful football manager series on consoles for over a decade.

Can the reboot of the series when the league, or is this game doomed to relegation?

Let's find out!

(Best enjoyed with headphones on!)

Right, guys. No doubt, you all wondering why I'm kicking off the summer of game pass with this game?

Well, let's talk about more about this. 

When the newest member of the DGR team,, lucky Swifttail(from Super Lucky's Tale), who came  all the way from McKinney, Texas arrived, we went into town to buy Xbox credit, in preparation for the slew of announcements, which is inevitable as gaming's biggest show, E3 was right around the corner. When we went to the Till to pay, Craig  Hogg approached the newest recruit with some "immigration documents". Owing to the fact that the time in the Lone Star State. Its five hours behind the time over here, in the UK. He was too jetlagged to read

Once again, he fell for it hook, line and sinker, the document that Lucky signed was a contract that we would review Football Manager 21 within two weeks, otherwise he gets to pick the next five reviews.

Taking advantage of a poor, defenseless fox, who literally just got off the boat, after being in transit for a grand total of 32 days, to get a request through. Shame on you, Craig, shame on you.

With that aside, let's get on with this review.

The football manager series has been one of the icons of the sports games genre. The series started back in 1992. Since then, the series has gone from strength to strength. Although that in recent years, the series has been exclusive to PC. This year, they decided to change that. After a over a decade-long hiatus, Football Manager makes its return to consoles. In these games you take control of a football team, sign and release players, and carry out various other tasks that would be involved in management.

The access ability scores are as follows.:-

Visibility 7

Although you can't change the colors of the kit your team  wears, the colour of the strips Mirrors the color of the  that the strips players would wear in an authentic football match.

Also, when a player gains possession of the ball, the player's name would appear on top of his head. So, despite the shortfalls this game is quite easily playable for a player with a visual impairment.

Audibility 10

The are no spoken elements in this game similar to the classic entries of the series, the commentary is  all text based. So a player with a hearing impairment should be able to play this game with no issues.

Mobility 9.5

Let's start off with the negatives, using the controller to navigate to the interface  while playing this game feels more like a chore. It is very easy for you to lose which element of the screen that you are about  to select you can, however, click the right steps to activate the cursor based interface. Using this  interface, is also very gimmicky.

However, playing this game on PC is like night and day. Using the mouse feels more natural when playing this game. As the first game of the franchise originally started out on PC.

Also, this game is somewhat similar to turn-based strategy game. This gives you as much time as you need to really think through your moves before you make them.

So, despite  the short falls. This game is very playable from a player with a mobility impairment.

Gameplay 8

When watching matches using the 3-D engine, the graphics look extremely basic, even for an Xbox series X. The differences between playing this game on a standard Xbox one S, and an Xbox series X is very minor. So, is there is very little incentive to upgrade to the next generation of hardware.

Also, this game gets repetitive and boring quite quickly when playing this game.

However, this game is quite realistic. The football manager series also contains the biggest football-based database in the world. The simulations that goes on during the matches, is based on the data, figures, and stats that are contained in this database.

The amount of teams. You can take control of is extensive. So, you can take control of your favourite team, signing and releasing  players to take that team to promotion, even Premier league glory.

However, you can take control of your team's biggest rivals, sell all their best players on free transfers, and watch them falls in the table, give relegated, and see how many seasons you can survive without getting the sack. This is probably the most accurate football management simulation that you would come across.

In summary, football manager 21, is FIFA's Ultimate Team mode, as it should have been. This game is not dominated, and in some cases, shoved in your face randomized loot boxes and micro-transactions.

 This is a somewhat realistic depiction of the challenges that a real manager of professional football team would face. For example, setting, and living up to expectations from the Board of Directors would set you, managing your club's finances, squads and formations etc.

This game is currently on game pass for both PC and console. So, when one your friends is raging over watching a game of football, shouting the words "sack the manager! I could do a better job than him/her!"   tell them  to download this game and call out on it! Seriously, don't knock it until you tried it!


    See you guys in the next review!

SpartanCommander1990 out!

Roll out, Spartan Legion!

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