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Thursday 27 December 2018

Review of Project Warlock (PC)

Hey everyone,  to continue this retro-inspired winter season   I  review a  game that was inspired by genre-defining games of yesteryear. But can the Lone Warlock take the advantage in this late stage of the year? Let's find out!

As I said in the introduction to this review, this game takes inspiration of old-school shooters like Doom, Heretic, Wolfenstein 3D, etc.

The forces of hell are at it again. This time they have taken over our history. As the title suggests, you play as a warlock who has to travel to certain points in our history, beat back the forces of hell, and kick @$$ and chew bubblegum... but he's all out of gum!

The accessibility scores are as follows:

 Visibility 9.5
This game is sooo damned close to perfect scores! The only issue is that the color of the bars.

Your health bar is in red and your mana is in blue which can be a little troublesome to colorblind players, and there is no way to change them.

Audibility 5
As this game draws from old-school shooters, you will be relying on your sense of hearing to be notified when an enemy is alerted so you will be at a disadvantage when playing this game

Mobility 11
This game shows us how to make this kind of game perfectly accessible! there's an option to use a controller and controls are fully remappable when using both the keyboard and mouse or a controller so you can play this game whichever side of the Keyboard/Mouse vs Controller debate. (come on guys, let's not start a flame war here!

Gameplay 10
 This game takes the throwing controllers at the wall difficulty of Dark Souls and puts it in a retro-shooter style setting. There's no save point/checkpoints, you have a  limited number4 of lives,  You have to restart the entire game again! 

(Recreation of me trying to beat the first level of this game)*

This game also has RPG elements implemented(in my honest opinion, rather well, when you mow down hordes of enemies or find treasure  you level up when you return to the workshop you can improve your stats, spells, and abilities  which allows you to mow down tougher enemies as you progress through the game's story. This game is quite expansive, so you'll be playing thrpough this game for quite a while.

In summary, Project Warlock is a very good but extremely difficult first-person shooter if you liked the original Doom/Duke Nukem games, you'll love this game.


See you guys in the next review

SpartanCommabnder1990 out!

*= no Xbox One controllers were hurt in the making of this review

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