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Thursday 14 September 2017

Review of Last Bronx(Saturn, PS2, PC)

Hi, everyone! Here I am in Megabytes, as I get into yet another Sega Saturn  Era review.

does thios game 

This game is set in  a fictional  version of Tokyo where crime and gang warfare is rampant. (We interrupt this last Bronx review to bring you Streets of Rage*ding*. You pick a fighter and battle your way against a plethora of opponents to take back the streets!

The accessibility scores are as follows.

Audibility 10
first off, the introduction is subtitled (the narration of the introduction is in Japanese, so good luck trying to translate it!) Of all that there is dialogue present after the fights themselves, which is not subtitled, but it bears little to no significance on the story.

Visibility 9
there are no colour-coded elements to this game, with the exception of mirror matches (beat up matches where the two players select exact same character. During these matches the only way to decipher which player is controlling which character is the colour of their clothes, which can create issues but colourblind players. But, apart from that, visually impaired players will have little to no issues while playing this game.

Mobility 10
button layouts can be customised via the options menu. So you can customize what ever button layout that suits your impairments. Although this is a normal practice to the fighting game genre, it allows mobility impaired players to pack up I controller I get right into the action very quickly.

Gameplay 10
this game is most probably, the inspiration for soul Calibur on the Dreamcast. You can also see Virtua Fighter's influence when playing this game, similar to soul calibur, the majority of your characters attacks a weapon based. Each and every character has the unique weapon. There is also a combo practice mode which allows you to hone your skills and learn how to use your character of choice effectively. If you have your friends over to your house, you can plug in the second Sega Saturn controller for a multiplayer slugfest! So, in conclusion, this game is pretty decent for a fighting game on the ill-fated Sega Saturn.

But in saying that, it doesn't have the lasting charm and timeless feel of the Virtua Fighter series!


See you guys in the next review!

SpartanCommander1990 out!

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