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Wednesday 19 April 2017

Review of Starcraft: Brood War (PC)

My life for Ior! this time i review that was been synonymous with the eSports scene since it's release 20 years ago! Can the Terrans conquer the blog? let's go to war

 Now guys this game is MASSIVE  in South Korea. Esports teams there are treated like Rockstars. 

To reinforce that fact, the South Korean  Football (or Soccer in the US)team is doing rather well in the past few games. They are in a good position to qualify for the knockout stages in the 2018 World Cup in Russia. (In Soviet Russia Soccer plays YOU!). To increase the overall morale of the team, and encourage them to play better, the manager invites professional StarCraft: Brood War players into their dressing rooms before the match. 

But, hey I digress.

Shout out to Michel "Zerg Rusher" McLennan for the request. 

Like i said before StarCraft has been the pinnacle of competitive RTS (Real Time Strategy). In this game, humanity has set up in the Kemporlu sector.  But we were not alone... An alien race called "The Zerg has been reigning terror on the sector, consuming every known world in it's path. But the Zerg's long-time foes, the Protoss is also involved. They want to exterminate the Terrans to stave the Zerg out. You can play the single-player campaign, or join fierce battles . The accessibility scores are as follows.
please note- if circumstances change when the remaster hits, this summer, the scores will be updated accordingly

Visibility 9
There is no way of changing the color scheme  in Multiplayer, But when you press alt-tab to change the color your forces are using, so colorblind players will be comfortable playing this game.

Audibility 8
During campaign missions all dialogue is subtitled and when events like your forces are under attack, flares will be shown in the mini map, so it is accessible, but it doesn't quite cut the mustard for a 10!

Mobility 10
The hotkeys can be redefined so you can play this game pretty easy, also the GUI is easy to navigate. So you can play this game  quite easily 

Gameplay 10
Playing each race has it's own strengths and weaknesses, so it is up to you to decide which is best for your style of command. Also the story in the interwoven campaigns are rich and immersive, plus with the Brood War expansion, you can continue the story which will keep you playing for months on end! Plus the multiplayer is highly competitive. But take my advice- play the campaigns before lunging towards the multiplayer. 

This game has an in-built map editor, so you can create your own multiplayer mapos and share them with your friends online.


See you guys in the next review
SpartanCommander1990 out!

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