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Thursday 8 December 2016

Review of Skyrim (PC, 360, PS3, PS4. Xbox One)

Hi guys! to kick off the Holiday Season of reviews, I've decided to visit a not exactly idyllic) Winter Wonderland can dgr slay the dragon and restore order to the blog? let's find out!

In this game, the king of Skyrim has fallen, and other warlords are fighting each other to gain control of the country, as Skyrim is gripped in a period of civil war between the Imperial Army and the rebel army of Stormcloaks. To make matters worse, Aduin, the World-Eater a Dragon who has been prophesied by the Elder Scrolls to destroy the world is awakened. It's up to your character to slay Aduin, and bring an end to the Civil War. The accessibility scores are as follows
Version tested: PC

Visibility 1
Some of the HUD elements are accessible, but there is one major issue.... the stamina bar is green and the HP bar is red,and the mana bar is in blue.  Red and green  is  the worst color contrast to use  when dealing with this type of impairments, and what's worse there is no way or facility to change that. So avoid this game!It's a good thing that Steam now does refunds!

Audibility 10
There is in-game subtitles,  so you can understand what's going on in the rich world of Skyrim

Mobility 6
There is a way to customize the controls on PC, but there is no way to change the stick layout in the console version, so it's best to stick with PC, if your setup is powerful enough.....

The story is rich and immersive with new quests and side quests to keep the game fresh. With plenty of content to keep you playing for a long time.


Bestheda's ignorance to colourblind gamers has dragged the score right down. You can change the HUD color in Fallout, WHY NOT SKYRIM!

see you guys in the next review! 
Segafan1990 out!

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