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Sunday 3 July 2016

Review of BattleToads (Various formats)

Okay guys! this time  i review another game from the Rare Replay Collection! so can  Pimple lay the smackdown on Sans? or is it going to another dunk on Sans' tally? lets find out!

<The Rock clichee *DING*>


now before i get into the review itself, i have go get a few announcements out the way, firstly i am going to London on 11th-15th July, so this blog will be inactive  between those dates,

but fear not Nav, John, and Amber! i will be attending the Smash tourney!

now with that aside, lets get into the review!

There's a funny story why this game was chosen.
On Friday 1st July, i made my way into a retro gaming cafe in Howard Street,  two staff members at that cafe has been asking for this review, so the gauntlet was thrown down! They presented me with a challenge....  to complete Blue Stinger on the Dreamcast in two hours!
unfortunaletly...... i failed.... i died in that damn elevator shaft!

so, i had no choice but to review this game

Anyway, originally released  for the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) in 1991 <insert Green Hill Zone theme here>  

Professor T. Bird and Angelica  (not of the Rugrats variety!) has been captured by the dark queen. It is up to you to go kick their butts and save them! (saving a princess from the antagonist from Mario clichee *DING*), oh wait she was in another castle,, so scratch that! The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
Everyone on the screen is foe, and so you know who to give a beatdown and who will help you!

Audibility 10
There's no spoken dialogue, given the era, and everything is text-based, so you can understand what's going on

Mobility 10
This game has no definable controls, but, the controls are simple enough, i even tried my hand on the SNES version, and i was pleasantly surprised the size of the NES controller, i found controlling my character relatively simple

Gameplay 10
in short, this game is pretty damn hard, especially the infamous turbo tunnel level,  but despite that, if there any double Dragon or Streets of Rage fans out there, i'd highly suggest giving this game a try!



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