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Wednesday 2 December 2015

Review of Star Wars Battlefront (PC, Xbox One, PS4)

Okay guys! the review you've been waiting for! apologies for the delay, that we will get into later on in the review. So is the Force strong in EA? let's find out!

Star Wars:Battlefront- the best selling  series of the Star Wars franchise. Star Wars Battlefront 2 was great fun to play! We've been waiting 10 years to play another entry  of this Battlefield-esque franchise. But Xbox One owners (such as myself)  was left out in the cold  as a bug which made turning using the Legacy layout slow and sluggish. It took us 30 seconds to complete a 180 agree turn! so Kenzie "N7" Retro and myself made the decision to deduct  20 points from it's total review score <super Mario  3 lose a life sound>

Now onto the review....
This game takes place in Episodes 4,5 and 6 (A new Hope, the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) as you fight as a rebel soldier  or an imperial Stormtrooper as you fight in the key battles in the movies! the  accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10
This game has four colorblind modes so  visually impaired players can play this game

Audibility 10
There's in-game subtitles, so you can keep track on what is going on in the battle.

Mobility 10
in it's current state there is numerous  stick and button layouts, but as i said earlier there was a bug with the legacy layout which forced mobility impaired gamers to use other control layouts which made the game unplayable for mobility players who uses Xbox One.  But, to be fair the PS4 version had the legacy controls working on   that format. So after THREE WEEKS  after the game's release we can at last play this game with our familiar legacy stick layout!

Gameplay 7
When you play the 2004 classic version (it works on your 360!) it has-
the prequel trilogy(clones vs battle droids) *ding*
Space Battles *ding*
Galactic Conquest *ding*
a single player campaign *ding*
  a large library of maps *ding*

 This game has  none of the above oh sure, you can play as a hero, but the lack of a decent number of maps, and the game play is a mere shadow to  Batlefront 2's former glory!  There's  new modes, which keeps it fresh, like Walker Assault,  and the graphics looks absolutely stunning! and the game is a heck of a lot of fun to play! In summary the team at DICE really has pulled off the way Star Wars battles are fought, with new fresh game modes, but i'd rather call it a reboot rather than a direct sequel

OVERALL SCORE(without penalty)  92.5%

OVERALL SCORE(with penalty deduction taken into account) 42.5%

 in it's current state this game is really accessible and fun to play, but  three weeks to apply a simple fix (even an EA community  manager said that in the Battlefront forums!) is inexcusable! If you pay £54.99 (the price of a digital copy)  you'd expect the game to be functioning right out of the bat! especially with a AAA title! So in that retrospect, it repeated Mater Chief Collection's mistake- release it now, patch it later!

see you on the next review
Segafan1990 out!


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