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Monday 28 December 2015

Review of Call of Duty Black Ops 3 (PS3, 360, PC, Xbox One, PS4)

*Rolls eyes*here we go again, another year another Call of Duty game.This time, it's the third entry in the highly successful Black Ops series.So, can this game redeem the franchise after the series going downhill after Modern Warfare 3, or is this game just another step in this series'self-destructive trend let's go to war!

Now, first off let me voice my opinion, I really don't mind Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2 was an all-time classic. But lest it be said about the games' lack of a colourblind mode! Ghosts is still a pretty good game, criminally underrated, Advanced Warfare was  very good entry into the franchise and now we are into Black Ops 3.

This game takes place after the events of Black Ops 2, the wold is changed, due to extreme global warming and everyone is crammed into super cities and secret coalitions and organisations are battling it out over Earth's last remaining resources (Civilization Beyond Earth Cliche *ding*) the accessibility scores are as follows-

Visibility 8
You know the feeling that you've left a friend's house, shop or bar, and raised "oh my gosh i forgot something!"  Treyarch should be having that feeling right now... THEY FORGOT TO ADD  COLOURBLIND MODES!  but the color scheme is colourblind-friendly enough, but it would be so much better if they added more schemes- needs more detail! 

Audibility 10
 There's in-game subtitles so you can understand what's going on in the campaign

Mobility 10
there's quite a few controller customization options here,so you can pick up and start fragging in no time!

Gameplay 7
 This game is a load of fun to play, with a single-player campaign, but it doesn't quite live up to the sheer quality and polish of it's predecessor, the best way to revive Call of Duty is to remaster the Modern Warfare  Trilogy or make Black Ops 2 backwards compatible. It's not the best Call of Duty, but not exactly the worst.


like i said above, not the worst CoD, but not the best either, i still prefer Advanced Warfare.

See you guys in the next review
Segafan1990 out!


  1. Hi James can I request a revue of World of Tanks please James.

    1. hi Dan "HTML" Tierney.
      I have taken your request into consideration. Unfortunately, due to the Disabled Gaming Reviews Awards, otherwise known as the "Bloggies" i will not be able to post the review until February, after i announce the winners of the awards themselves until after the 2nd
      the nominations however can be found via this link

      i will also be providing a summary of the nominations on the 23rd Jan on the blog
      hang on Dan! reinforcements inbound
      #dgr #livefreegamehard

    2. Ok James thank you, I will just have to wait for Feb, looking forward to it.

  2. we appreciate your understanding and patience
