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Sunday 3 August 2014

review of Crash Bandicoot(PS1, PS3 PS Vita)

the announcement of this review turned a few heads in a positive way(you know who you are), Crash Bandicoot  is like Sony's version of Sonic the Hedgehog ( a mascot) will this game rush to the Game of the Month? or  is this game giong to crash and burn?
like i said earlier Crash made  Playstation. period. in this game  dr Neo Cortex has taken over Wumpa Island FUN FACT the words "Neo Cortex is referring a part of the brain. and its up to Crash to stop him and his evil plans. The accessibility scores are as follows.

Visual 10
pretty easy to play for people with visual impairments as the boxes are distinguished by  the symbols that is  on them  so you can tell which box contains a witch doctor mask ( or Ooga-Booga as Clare refers it) or which box is going to blow up in your face. so you should be A-OK with this game.
Audible 10
there is no spoken dialogue due to the limited capacity of the original Playstation so there's no need for subtitles so there should be little to no problems with this game in terms of hearing impairments

Mobility 7
this is the only area where problems exist- the controls there was no analogue mode  and there is no way to modify the controls (to be fair this game came out in 1996!)but to be fair, the controls are prety much simple just use the d-pad to move Crash forwards, backwards left and right x to jump and square to spin attack. so people with  certain mobility impairments is going to have a few  problems playing this game.

Gameplay 9
 like i said the game is pretty simple and fun to play but a points system similar to  most adventure platformers would be nice! yoall you have to do is to detroy the boxes., avoid the obstacles and reach the exit. thats just about it in a nutshell.

Overall 90%

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